We have finally finished and I'm a mess of emotions. On one hand I a SO relieved that we are done and all of it is over. However, this was our portfolio project which means the year is ending. My senior year is almost over and the end of this project is a jarring wake up call. Last year I had planned to take A level and was looking forward to the next chapter of the course. But now, it's over. After this last semester I'm done with AICE Media Studies. I have learned so much since the beginning of junior year and I'll admit it hasn't been an easy journey; although, growing and progressing never is.

I'm so grateful for our supportive friends as well. Shout out to Laurel for letting us borrow her projector and all our other faithful subjects (haha peasants). Honestly though, they were true sports. I'm one of those directors that yells at their subject different scenarios to demonstrate what emotions I want them to show. I told Marina, "Feel depressed! You just failed Physics and Calc! Go!"Like true friends they took it all in stride. Just like last year with ESS, I got attached; this project became our baby and I'm sad to see it go.
This will be my final comments. Sorry for all the fans, but it's time to start anew! I'm grateful for this course, for the opportunity to learn from my teacher and to experience the curriculum. I can't wait to continue my journey in college. I have no doubt that I will carry the skills I learned in this course with me through the next several chapters of my life.
Goodbye for the last time!
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