So, we've decided that my partner, Chey, will be the subject for the episode we are taking our 5 minute excerpt out of. Chey or I as the main subject is more convenient than finding an actor and it's one less person to schedule around.
I've been exploring more of the why behind our project. It's important to have a purpose; the driving force behind our project is that these negative misrepresentations result in muddling teen's self-image and lowering their self-esteems. SFGate did a poll at two honors English classes in Santa Rosa and asked teens if the media representation was accurate. Many teens responded negatively:
"It makes me sick that I can't turn on the TV without being insulted by the "ideal" image the media tries to send out to teens. All it does is lower people's self-esteem and self-worth." -Marisa Foppoli
"The media does not accurately portray teens. The media portrays what sells." -Hannah Van Sickle
This is why our project is so relevant. Teenagers are tired of being misrepresented and they seek to consume media that they can relate to. For each episode we want to focus on the collective stereotypes used and contradict them with each subject's specific story. Some of the stereotypes we are fighting are teens being called: lazy, ignorant, irresponsible, overemotional, and sheltered.

Within each episode we want to use a subject that will connect with each part of our target audience. As you may have noticed, Chey is Episode #3, we want the first two episodes to be people that can bring in a broader part of our audience. One of Chey's focuses in her episode is her upbringing in a single-parent household. Not all of our target audience will be able to relate so we made it Episode #3.
Tata for now!