Hello there!

Okay, so the first thing I decided to look into was other popular documentaries in the form of a mini-series. My eye caught on
Planet Earth since I'm familiar with it. This is where my partner and I got our inspiration for our intro.
Planet Earth uses the same intro and theme for each episode despite the different focus in content.We're doing a bunch of different episodes featuring a different individual per episode. Our plan for our intro is to use the same on in every episode as a way of creating cohesion. This will also help our target audience recognize us and better establish our show as a brand. It should be around 30-55 seconds long and it will feature all the individuals we plan on using in our miniseries for that season. Although we haven't decided if our documentary was going to be one season or more than one yet.

We were also inspired by this idea that we had seen in the TV series
One Tree Hill. In this scene the character Brooke Davis stands strong against all the negativities and insecurities she's faced. We want to introduce our subjects with quick midshots of them covered in words typically used to characterize teenagers, or Gen Z. Words such as: lazy, overemotional, irresponsible, ignorant, etc. We would use the same words for every subject to establish this collective, inaccurate generalization (that we're determined to change). This would be followed by a cut to a black background and then the voices of the different subjects saying, "They call us ___" followed by a collective "They're
wrong." Our initial idea was to use a narrator but then we decided on using the voices of our individual subjects to personalize it and make the content connect with our viewers more. After this we have each subject say multiple "We are___" statements and at the end of the series of shots they would say collectively "... and we are not who they think we are."
So that's the current plan for the intro, we have the details pretty much down and the rest will come through in the shooting and editing process.
I'm looking forward to the next post!
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