Hello everyone!
So I've been delving further into the research I was talking about with the poetic and performative documentaries. This means I've been spending some quality time on YouTube, not that that's anything new. I've also been giving some thought into the documentary idea and the mode in which I hope to portray it.
This documentary is called Fear. The narrative is pretty weak in my opinion, however, I really like the visuals. One thing I've learned with poetic documentaries is that they can be pretty unconnected (visually). I honestly can't say how much this irritates my control freak/perfectionist self. I know if I do a poetic mode, my documentary will definitely connect visually. Now before you say anything, I'm not technically straying from conventions, I'm just adding a little Kassidy to my piece.
I've decided that I really want to do a poetic mode to showcase teenagers challenging their stereotypes in the media. My idea so far is that it would have different people doing a number of different things. (Yes, I know, it sounds pretty ambiguous. Stay with me here!) For example, I could have some footage of a friend who loves soccer and hopes to play D1 in college. Or maybe some shots of kids from debate talking about the current political sphere. It can truly be a number of things and my partner and I essentially have Cypress Bay to use as a resource. I know plenty of inspiring kids in my media class alone!

Send me some good karma!
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